We tackle critical issues facing asset managers. We advise our clients on issues impacting their brand DNA, LP generation and general business management. Commercial value can be realized over time, but for asset managers you need to have the right systems in place at Day 1. The growing of an asset management business can be costly, but focusing on investing in the right areas allows you to realize your full potential sooner. We conquer topics that could impede your expansion and metamorphosis as a company and as an investment proposition.
Launching A New Fund? We’ll help you get off the ground!
NewLaunch Advisory Services
We work with new launches and funds that are in the pre-launch phase. Our team advises funds on how to make a big splash within their respective marketplaces. We work in a variety of capacities to advising on third party service providers to building their media profile. Unlike the StartUp Advisory service offering, the NewLaunch is more primarily focused on funds in the pre-launch and recently launched (i.e. less than one year).
Business Model + Product Development
Your business model and fund product(s) must be refined before bringing it to market. We collaborate with our clients to develop a scalable business model and a compelling product that has distinct differentiating components.
Mock Operational Due Diligence
All managers should take the time to go through mock ODD to understand where their impediments to allocation could lie. Our team performs mock ODD tests to prepare you before you begin any capital roadshow or one-off investor meetings. First impressions are important and through us, we will help your fund increase the number of second and third meetings to improve your odds of allocation.
Collateral Development
Our design team will work with you in developing all of the collateral you will need to help communicate your fund’s story. We help you to develop the messaging and content that will go into your collateral.
Investor Relations Program Development
Your investor relations program is one of the most vital functions within your asset management business. We help our clients to set up a quality IR program focused on enhancing investors’ experiences with your fund. We will train your team on all facets of IR to help mitigate against redemptions and improve upon your abilities to raise capital.
Define Brand DNA
We help managers define their value proposition and communicate that to the investment community. The landscape for managers is very competitive and complex. We help you navigate through the competition and establish a core identity.
Our Capabilities
StartUp Advisory Services
We work with new launches and emerging managers extensively advising them on how to get started with their fund management business. We tackle core issues around being a new manager and implementing cost-effective measures to begin the process of creating a compelling business for investment.
Business Model Development
The landscape for asset managers is immensely complex and very competitive. We formulate and collaborate with clients to create a competitive edge for their business and begin doing that through their business model and fund product(s).
Performance Advisory + Strategic IR
Most asset managers experience down periods and risk investor liquidation. We help clients take a proactive approach to mitigating against one of the most common risks faced by asset managers. We advise our clients on critical methods to help enhance their investors’ experiences and build loyalty even during times of negative performance.
Strategic Management + Long-Term Business Planning
Many businesses struggle with scaling and thinking beyond the present, especially when financial restrictions exist. We work with our clients instituting long-term business planning measures that guide them through day-to-day operations in addition to long-term plans and projections.
Investor Relations Training
Many portfolio managers utilize their IR team to interface with investors, however there is extraordinary value to having portfolio managers partake in the IR process. We help train professionals with portfolio management responsibilities on how to interact with investors on roadshows, quarterly and annual calls and several other investor-focused events.
Business Management, Best Practices + Institutionalizing Your Fund Product (BBI)
One of the most difficult parts of having a business is scaling and expanding it into the next level and potentially into new markets. BBI focuses on bringing your business to the next level by instituting various strategies that will donate to your success as a future institutional enterprise.
Are you an emerging fund manager?
We have launched CCA GlobalEssentials™, our new program, offering specialized services to new founders and emerging fund managers.
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