Our firm’s approach is designed around data and analytics. We leverage data to transform and grow businesses. We have created proprietary data tools that are built around growing your brand’s DNA and by result your business as a whole. One of our most crucial tools is your Scorecard and we use it to tackle critical issues hindering your firm’s expansion. The Scorecard’s purpose is to act as the blueprint and foundation for any program that we build by utilizing more than 35 different inputs mapping out your market position and your brand’s current and projected commercial value. Our firm has a keen interest in marketing and investor relations, however we know that we must look at the company holistically to establish the blueprint prior to initiating the building process.

We are the data architects that design programs tailored to fit your company and your vision. The data promotes accountability, integrity and is foundational in building your company’s roadmap to growth. Companies go through a metamorphosis as they grow and expand. We seek to attribute and implement the strongest drivers and repair the weakest areas to create the best program unique to your company. Big Data has transformed corporate strategy by creating a framework for more impactful decision making. We deliver results because we utilize data as the backbone of every program we construct.

Companies who use analytics are 5X more likely to make faster business decisions.

Our Capabilities

Scorecard Development

Your Scorecard is the evaluation of your brand after we’ve executed our rigorous research. It offers us a high-level overview of areas of improvement and areas of strengths against your competitors. This tool will allow us to better develop strategies and messaging techniques that better follow your brand story.

Benchmarking Reports + Market Intelligence

The asset management industry is fiercely competitive and in order to be well positioned managers need to understand their standing against their peers. We advise our clients on best practices to institute across all areas of their business so that they can successfully position themselves.

Risk Assessments + Positioning

We assess business and reputation risk in advising our clients. Risk assessments allow us to thoroughly understand hinderances to growth and impediments to overcome as clients grow their business. We collaborate with our clients to better position them understanding the variety of risks that may occur as they further grow their business.

Predictive Modelling + Investor Insights

We leverage predictive modeling coupled with investor intelligence to assess potential outcomes for clients. We analyze the data to gain insights and improve strategies behind investor targeting. We help our clients gain a competitive advantage through techniques we apply helping to increase lead generation and close rates based upon our models.

Perception Audits

Perception audits are a necessary first step in building a communications program. It provides our clients with insights into the perceived value of their brand and allows us to further position and build a roadmap toward enhancing their company’s value proposition.

Business Roadmap + Corporate Strategy Development

Every business must have a strategy in place if they want to be successful. We create business roadmaps for our clients to illustrate factors that could have a direct affect on their business. We review risks, opportunities, their value proposition, brand DNA, strengths, weaknesses in addition to several other facets required to build a lasting corporate strategy.

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We have launched CCA GlobalEssentials™, our new program, offering specialized services to new founders and emerging fund managers.

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